About Us

M.H & C.o is a reliable supplier and exporter of Himalayan rock salt products and Aseel dates. Our parent company has several years of experience in the Pakistani and international market. We deal in different types of dates including unpitted dates, pitted dates, chopped dates and center cut dates. The dates are of premium quality, available in comparatively lower prices and preferred by global importers. We also stock edible salt, salt lamps, bath salt and animal lick salts


Vision statement

Pakistani salt is mined near the Himalayas and is abundant in nutrients and minerals, providing countless health benefits. The salt is much healthier than regular table salt. Whereas Aseel dates are grown in Khairpur Mirs, Pakistan. The fruit is nutritious and an important commercial variety of Pakistan. Therefore, we started this venture to extend these natural nutrients to not just Pakistan but also, beyond borders.


Mission statement

All our products naturally without flavor enhancers or artificial fragrances, preservatives or antioxidants. Our unwavering intention is to offer products that help support health and wellbeing with natural essential nutrients. M.H & C.o is synonymous with quality and to create optimum health by sourcing and supplying our products.