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Uses of Himalayan Pink Salt

Is pink Himalayan salt better than regular salt?

Pink Himalayan salt is a pink colored salt mined near the Himalayas in Pakistan. As claimed by many, the salt is rich in minerals and has incredible health benefits. Therefore, the pink Himalayan salt is thought to be much healthier than regular table salt. The pink colored salt is extracted from the Khewra salt mine which is one of the oldest mines in the world. The salt is hand-extracted and is minimally processed for an unrefined product that is much more natural than table salt. The natural harvesting product also allows the salt to process many other minerals and trace elements that regular table salt does not have. It has been estimated that this salt contains up to 84 different minerals and trace elements. The content of iron in the salt gives it its characteristic pink color.

Pink Himalayan salt has several uses:

  • Dietary uses:

Pink Himalayan salt can be used to cook in the same way as regular table salt. It can be used in sauces, marinades or added to your favorite foods. Some people also use the salt as a cooking surface. The large blocks of pink Himalayan salt can be used as grills or for divulging a salty flavor to meats. The pink Himalayan salt can be purchased as finely ground like regular table salt and it is also sold in larger crystal sizes.

  • Non-dietary uses

The salt has several non-dietary uses. It is claimed to have healing properties, therefore, is used in some bath salts. It is known to soothe sore muscles and improve skin conditions. Pink Himalayan salt is also often used for salt lamps which are claimed to purify the air of pollutants. The lamps are made from large blocks of salt with an inner source of light that heats the salt.

It is also common for people looking to improve skin and respiratory problems to spend time in man-made salt caves made of pink Himalayan salt. However, there is not much research that supports these non-dietary uses of the salt. you can use the salt in place of regular salt when cooking, or as salt lamps and bath salts.

M.H & C.O is a reliable supplier and exporter of Himalayan rock salt products, including, edible salt, salt lamps, bath salt and animal lick salts. Place an order with us today!

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